Social Security

Whilst our study is about the experiences of people living with SCD in employment, we know that sometimes simply living with SCD can be very hard work. This means that some people living with SCD apply for Personal Independence Payments (previously Disability Living Allowance)

Personal Independence Payments Form

PDF Version_PIP Descriptors and points

WORD Version_PIP Descriptors and points

Presenting Your Case

Here are some ideas to think about how best to present your case as someone living with SCD in replying to PIP questions

PDF Version_PIP Consultation_SCD_V1

WORD Version_PIP Consultation_SCD_V1

Case Study Number 1 of a SCD PIP Application

Here is a real anonymised example of an applicant with SCD completing a PIP assessment form:

PDF Version_PIP2_ SCD Example_ 2019

WORD Version_PIP2_ SCD Example_ 2019

Case Study Number 2 of a SCD PIP Application

Everyone on PIP is reviewed frequently. This client was recently reviewed and she was kept on the enhanced rates without further face to face or virtual/telephone assessment.

PDF VERSION_PIP Review-Renewal_2020

WORD VERSION_PIP Review-Renewal_2020

SAVINGS The UK Government launched a scheme in 2018 to support savings of those on low income:

SELF-EMPLOYMENT The government has a web-page on the relationship between Universal Credit and self-employment